Friday, June 3, 2011

Hershey Kisses

Ah, where to begin? When one finds several empty Hershey Kisses wrappers scattered around one's apartment, the least likely culprit would be the cat. Right?

After several days of wondering who the hell is eating my kisses and leaving the wrappers on the floor, I got the answer. One afternoon, after a particularly grueling day of final exams, a nap was the only thing on my mind. I found my favorite snuggle spot on the couch and layed down to rest. During the in between sleep and awake stage, I felt Chopper climb on to the couch. He proceeded to walk not so gently up my stomach, onto my chest, then finally right up to my face. He sniffed my nose and mouth, almost testing to see if I really was asleep. Then he continued his journey to the candy bowl that rested on the table next to the couch, just past where my head was resting. He rooted around in the candy bowl and picked up a miniature snickers, holding it carefully in his mouth, he backed his way down and held the candy above my face, once again checking to see if I was asleep. He then jumped off the couch, and took his prize into the kitchen where he slid it around the tile floor for about 5 minutes, then realized it wasn't his beloved Hershey's Kiss. He picked it back up, climbed back onto the couch, and once again walked very carefully over me until he got to the candy bowl again. He then put the miniature snickers, with teeth marks, kitty slobber, and all, back into the candy bowl. After dropping it in the bowl, he once again sniffed my face to see if I was awake (I really fooled him!), then went back to the candy bowl and this time retrieved his favorite candy, the Hershey Kiss. He took said Kiss back into the Kitchen, batted it around the floor until it came out of the wrapper, and chowed down. Chocolate may be lethal to dogs, and maybe to cats, but its not lethal to Chopper.

Since then, Chopper has developed a love for peppermints. (I took away the Hershey Kisses, somehow, I just didn't think it was healthy.) And now, I buy the sugar free peppermints just for him. A video of a great peppermint chase is featured in this post.

1 comment:

  1. That's Chopper's brother, Jack Roosafee, who tragically passed away this past September. He enjoyed the chase for the peppermint, but was too wonderfully lazy to actually eat one.
